There's no denying here... I lost weight! Will tell you more about it soon because my battery is running out. Cheers! Happy New Year!!!
iOS vs. Android or Smart vs. Globe?
Posted by
Jameson Ong
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I recently got myself an HTC Android phone (which replaced my old iPhone 3GS), sad to admit it but really, i cannot move on... i kinda miss iOS but i have all the reasons to love my Android device.
Now that my Globe contract is expiring, what plan should i get? What additional phone should i get? Just thinking about these things make me feel giddy, 1 more month and I am finally free!
Smart vs. Globe?
Now that my Globe contract is expiring, what plan should i get? What additional phone should i get? Just thinking about these things make me feel giddy, 1 more month and I am finally free!
Smart vs. Globe?
Posted by
Jameson Ong
on Wednesday, December 7, 2011
English Version
~~~~~ 德國的一張罰單 ~~~~~ 值得馬來西亞人沈思
走進餐館,我們一行穿過桌多人少的中餐館大廳,心裡犯疑惑:這樣冷清清的場面,飯店能開下去嗎?更可笑的是一對用餐? 侶的桌子上,只擺有一個碟子,裡面只放著兩種菜,兩罐啤酒,如此簡單,是否影響他們的甜蜜聚會?如果是男士買單,是否太小氣,他不怕女友跑掉?
另 外一桌是幾位白人老太太在悠閒地用餐,每道菜上桌後,服務生很快的幫她們分配好,然後就被她們吃光光了。
餐館客人不多,上菜很快,我們的桌子很快被碟碗堆滿,看來,今天我們是這裡的大富豪了。狼吞虎嚥之後,想到面還有活動,就不再戀酒菜,這一餐很快就結束了。結果還有三分之一沒有吃 掉,剩在桌面上。
結完賬,個個剔著牙,歪歪扭扭出了餐館大門。出門沒走幾步,餐館裡有人在叫我們。不知是怎麼回事:是否誰的東西忘記了?我們都好奇,回頭去看看。原來是那幾個白人老太太,在和飯店老闆嘰哩呱 啦說著什麼,好像是針對我們的。看到我們都圍來了,老太太改說英文,我們就都能聽懂了,她在說我們剩的菜太多,太浪費了。我們覺得好笑,這老太太多管閒事!
「我們花錢吃飯買單,剩多少,關妳老太太什麼事?」 同事阿桂當時站出來,想和老太太練練口語。
聽到阿桂這樣一說,老太太更生氣了,為首的老太太立馬掏出手機? 撥打著什麼電。一會兒,一個穿制服的人開車來了,稱是社會保障機構的工作人員。問完情況後,這位工作人員居然拿出罰單,開出50馬克的罰款! 。
這下我們都不吭氣了,阿桂的臉不知道扭到哪裡去了,也不敢再練口語了。駐地的同事只好拿出50馬克,並一再說: 「對不起!」
這位工作人員收下馬克 ,鄭重地對我們說: 「需要吃多少,就點多少!錢是你自己的,但資源是全社會的,世界上有則人還缺少資源,你們不能 夠也沒有理由浪費!」
我們臉都紅了。但我們在心裡卻都認同這句話。這個富有的國家裡,人們還有這種意識。我們得好好反思:我們是個資源不是很豐富的國家, 而且人口眾多,平時請客吃飯,剩下的總是很多,主人怕客人吃不好丟面子,擔心被客人看成小氣鬼,就點很多的菜,反正都有剩,你不會怪我不大方吧。
那天,駐地的同事把罰單複印後,給每人一張做紀念,我們都願? 接受並決心保存著。阿桂說,回去後,他會再複印一些送給別人,自己的一張就貼在家裡的牆壁上,以便時常提醒自己。
~~~~~ 德國的一張罰單 ~~~~~ 值得馬來西亞人沈思
走進餐館,我們一行穿過桌多人少的中餐館大廳,心裡犯疑惑:這樣冷清清的場面,飯店能開下去嗎?更可笑的是一對用餐? 侶的桌子上,只擺有一個碟子,裡面只放著兩種菜,兩罐啤酒,如此簡單,是否影響他們的甜蜜聚會?如果是男士買單,是否太小氣,他不怕女友跑掉?
另 外一桌是幾位白人老太太在悠閒地用餐,每道菜上桌後,服務生很快的幫她們分配好,然後就被她們吃光光了。
餐館客人不多,上菜很快,我們的桌子很快被碟碗堆滿,看來,今天我們是這裡的大富豪了。狼吞虎嚥之後,想到面還有活動,就不再戀酒菜,這一餐很快就結束了。結果還有三分之一沒有吃 掉,剩在桌面上。
結完賬,個個剔著牙,歪歪扭扭出了餐館大門。出門沒走幾步,餐館裡有人在叫我們。不知是怎麼回事:是否誰的東西忘記了?我們都好奇,回頭去看看。原來是那幾個白人老太太,在和飯店老闆嘰哩呱 啦說著什麼,好像是針對我們的。看到我們都圍來了,老太太改說英文,我們就都能聽懂了,她在說我們剩的菜太多,太浪費了。我們覺得好笑,這老太太多管閒事!
「我們花錢吃飯買單,剩多少,關妳老太太什麼事?」 同事阿桂當時站出來,想和老太太練練口語。
聽到阿桂這樣一說,老太太更生氣了,為首的老太太立馬掏出手機? 撥打著什麼電。一會兒,一個穿制服的人開車來了,稱是社會保障機構的工作人員。問完情況後,這位工作人員居然拿出罰單,開出50馬克的罰款! 。
這下我們都不吭氣了,阿桂的臉不知道扭到哪裡去了,也不敢再練口語了。駐地的同事只好拿出50馬克,並一再說: 「對不起!」
這位工作人員收下馬克 ,鄭重地對我們說: 「需要吃多少,就點多少!錢是你自己的,但資源是全社會的,世界上有則人還缺少資源,你們不能 夠也沒有理由浪費!」
我們臉都紅了。但我們在心裡卻都認同這句話。這個富有的國家裡,人們還有這種意識。我們得好好反思:我們是個資源不是很豐富的國家, 而且人口眾多,平時請客吃飯,剩下的總是很多,主人怕客人吃不好丟面子,擔心被客人看成小氣鬼,就點很多的菜,反正都有剩,你不會怪我不大方吧。
那天,駐地的同事把罰單複印後,給每人一張做紀念,我們都願? 接受並決心保存著。阿桂說,回去後,他會再複印一些送給別人,自己的一張就貼在家裡的牆壁上,以便時常提醒自己。
Money is yours but Resources Belong to the Society
Posted by
Jameson Ong
on Saturday, November 5, 2011
Personal Experience,
Resources Belongs to the Society,
Comments: (0)
My Malaysian friend forwarded this and this is a nice read. The article below doesn't belong to me and I just want to share this.
Germany is a highly industrialized country. It produces top brands like Benz, BMW, Simons etc. The nuclear reactor pump is made in a small town in this country. In such a country, many will think its people lead a luxurious life. At least that was my impression before my study trip.
When I arrived at Hamburg, my colleagues who work in Hamburg arranged a welcome party for me in a restaurant. As we walked into the restaurant, we noticed that a lot of tables were empty. There was a table where a young couple was having their meal. There were only two dishes and two cans of beer on the table. I wondered if such simple meal could be romantic, and whether the girl will leave this stingy guy.
There were a few old ladies on another table. When a dish is served, the waiter would distribute the food for them, and they would finish every bit of the food on their plates.
We did not pay much attention to them, as we were looking forward to the dishes we ordered. As we were hungry, our local colleague ordered more food for us.
As the restaurant was quiet, the food came quite fast. Since there were other activities arranged for us, we did not spend much time dining. When we left, there was still about one third of unconsumed food on the table.
When we were leaving the restaurant, we heard someone calling us. We noticed the old ladies in the restaurant were talking about us to the restaurant owner. When they spoke to us in English, we understood that they were unhappy about us wasting so much food. We immediately felt that they were really being too busybody.
"We paid for our food, it is none of your business how much food we left behind," my colleague Gui told the old ladies.
The old ladies were furious. One of them immediately took her handphone out and made a call to someone.
After a while, a man in uniform claimed to be an officer from the Social Security organization arrived. Upon knowing what the dispute was, he issued us a 50 Mark fine.
We all kept quiet. The local colleague took out a 50 Mark note and repeatedly apologized to the officer.
Our face turned red. We all agreed with him in our hearts. The mindset of people of this rich country put all of us to shame. WE REALLY NEED TO REFLECT ON THIS. We are from country which is not very rich in resources.
To save face, we order large quantities and also waste food when we give others a treat. THIS LESSON TAUGHT US A LESSON TO THINK SERIOUSLY ABOUT CHANGING OUR BAD HABITS.
My colleague photocopied the fine ticket and gave a copy to each of us as a souvenir. All of us kept it and pasted on our wall to remind us that we shall never be wasteful.
My Malaysian friend forwarded this and this is a nice read. The article below doesn't belong to me and I just want to share this.
Germany is a highly industrialized country. It produces top brands like Benz, BMW, Simons etc. The nuclear reactor pump is made in a small town in this country. In such a country, many will think its people lead a luxurious life. At least that was my impression before my study trip.
When I arrived at Hamburg, my colleagues who work in Hamburg arranged a welcome party for me in a restaurant. As we walked into the restaurant, we noticed that a lot of tables were empty. There was a table where a young couple was having their meal. There were only two dishes and two cans of beer on the table. I wondered if such simple meal could be romantic, and whether the girl will leave this stingy guy.
There were a few old ladies on another table. When a dish is served, the waiter would distribute the food for them, and they would finish every bit of the food on their plates.
We did not pay much attention to them, as we were looking forward to the dishes we ordered. As we were hungry, our local colleague ordered more food for us.
As the restaurant was quiet, the food came quite fast. Since there were other activities arranged for us, we did not spend much time dining. When we left, there was still about one third of unconsumed food on the table.
When we were leaving the restaurant, we heard someone calling us. We noticed the old ladies in the restaurant were talking about us to the restaurant owner. When they spoke to us in English, we understood that they were unhappy about us wasting so much food. We immediately felt that they were really being too busybody.
"We paid for our food, it is none of your business how much food we left behind," my colleague Gui told the old ladies.
The old ladies were furious. One of them immediately took her handphone out and made a call to someone.
After a while, a man in uniform claimed to be an officer from the Social Security organization arrived. Upon knowing what the dispute was, he issued us a 50 Mark fine.
We all kept quiet. The local colleague took out a 50 Mark note and repeatedly apologized to the officer.
Our face turned red. We all agreed with him in our hearts. The mindset of people of this rich country put all of us to shame. WE REALLY NEED TO REFLECT ON THIS. We are from country which is not very rich in resources.
To save face, we order large quantities and also waste food when we give others a treat. THIS LESSON TAUGHT US A LESSON TO THINK SERIOUSLY ABOUT CHANGING OUR BAD HABITS.
My colleague photocopied the fine ticket and gave a copy to each of us as a souvenir. All of us kept it and pasted on our wall to remind us that we shall never be wasteful.
RIP Steve Jobs
On one of his popular speeches, that was in Stanford, Jobs once again proved that he is one hell of a guy! Amazing mind, amazing heart, amazing skills...
This got me inspired once again to do my best everyday, to live the most everyday, to love like there's no tomorrow...
Hope these lessons do the same for you so I am sharing them to the world, and I do hope everyone gets the chance to read these three simple lessons:
1. Connecting the Dots – you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
2. Love – You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.
3. Death – is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
This got me inspired once again to do my best everyday, to live the most everyday, to love like there's no tomorrow...
Hope these lessons do the same for you so I am sharing them to the world, and I do hope everyone gets the chance to read these three simple lessons:
1. Connecting the Dots – you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.
2. Love – You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on.
3. Death – is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” - Steve Jobs
”Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.” – Steve Jobs
Candy Train
Posted by
Jameson Ong
on Monday, September 26, 2011
Candy Train,
Pipe Dreams,
Comments: (0)
Remember Pipe Dreams.... I first encountered this on Windows 3.1 claasic game. The objective of the game is to place the pipes from one end to another end. And make sure that the water will smoothly flo to the other end.
Pipe Dream for Windows 3.1
Here is its reincarnation... Candy Train.
Platform: iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad [HDMode])
Price: FREE
Similarity: Instead of Pipes, it became rails. And the train will just go round and round.
Objective: The train will just go round and round and you need to get the additionar train car. All you need to do is to prepare the tracks for the train. When the train get longer it became faster and difficult to manuver.
When you get the caboose a station will appear. And you need to let the train to get in to the station, so the train cars will be left at the station on the next level.
However you must remember DO NOT LET THE TRAIN CRASH!!!
Why addictive, because of compeion to the high score.. The game rules is so simple but it is hard.
My highest score is 24,120. And my friend, who introduced the game to me has a score of 36,xxx...
Here are some screen shot for this game.
Pipe Dream for Windows 3.1
Here is its reincarnation... Candy Train.
Platform: iOS (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad [HDMode])
Price: FREE
Similarity: Instead of Pipes, it became rails. And the train will just go round and round.
Objective: The train will just go round and round and you need to get the additionar train car. All you need to do is to prepare the tracks for the train. When the train get longer it became faster and difficult to manuver.
When you get the caboose a station will appear. And you need to let the train to get in to the station, so the train cars will be left at the station on the next level.
However you must remember DO NOT LET THE TRAIN CRASH!!!
Why addictive, because of compeion to the high score.. The game rules is so simple but it is hard.
My highest score is 24,120. And my friend, who introduced the game to me has a score of 36,xxx...
Here are some screen shot for this game.
Wring on iPad
Posted by
Jameson Ong
on Thursday, August 25, 2011
Notes plus,
Comments: (0)
I love writing on my notebook. The most effective way for me for note taking is writing, however these days, it is hard to share something if it is not in digital copy and scanning you notebook is not a goo approach.
Why writing is the best?
Do you know that when you right you remember the strokes.
Honesly I don't review my notesmuch often. I remember what I write because of the strokes. But in typing, aside from being a slow typer. It is hard o remember what you type.
Here are some tools in iPad that I bought for writing.
A. Penultimate
Like: when i write it looks my hand writing is nice.
Dislike: hard rest algorithm is not that good, cannot type, wrong touch you will go to next or next next page.
Screen shot of Penultimate.
B. Notes plus
Like: you can type, write, and put shapes. Can eport to PDF. can be sync with Google Docs. Nice wrist pad for hard writing
Dis like: Bad hand writing.
Screen shot of Notes Plus
Here is my stylus for writing
Why writing is the best?
Do you know that when you right you remember the strokes.
Honesly I don't review my notesmuch often. I remember what I write because of the strokes. But in typing, aside from being a slow typer. It is hard o remember what you type.
Here are some tools in iPad that I bought for writing.
A. Penultimate
Like: when i write it looks my hand writing is nice.
Dislike: hard rest algorithm is not that good, cannot type, wrong touch you will go to next or next next page.
Screen shot of Penultimate.
B. Notes plus
Like: you can type, write, and put shapes. Can eport to PDF. can be sync with Google Docs. Nice wrist pad for hard writing
Dis like: Bad hand writing.
Screen shot of Notes Plus
Here is my stylus for writing
Word Press for iPad
I'm back and guess what, I'm using Word Press for iPad. This is a simple tool that allows you to write something specially while you are on the go.
This is so simple and all that you can do is to write,add photos, and add videos.
If you are expect enough you can use HTML commands to add color and change font. Who cares, you want art go to your PC. You want simple and fast, use mobile device.
By the way why we blog? Because we want to write and share something.
I tried some featues that i think useful for this application.
Sample screen shot.
This is so simple and all that you can do is to write,add photos, and add videos.
If you are expect enough you can use HTML commands to add color and change font. Who cares, you want art go to your PC. You want simple and fast, use mobile device.
By the way why we blog? Because we want to write and share something.
I tried some featues that i think useful for this application.
Sample screen shot.
- 12 Little Things Every Filipino Can Do To Help Our Country (1)
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- Candy Train (1)
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- Manuel Quezon (1)
- Mar (1)
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- modus operandi (1)
- Noah's Ark (1)
- Notes plus (1)
- Noy Noy (1)
- Noynoy (1)
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- Philippines (6)
- Philippines Politics (1)
- Pipe Dreams (1)
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- RD (1)
- Removing Empty Directory (1)
- Resources Belongs to the Society (1)
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- Vehicle Verification Through Text (1)
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- 德國 (1)
- 浪費 (1)
- 菲律賓 (3)
- 資源是全社會 (1)
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- 颱風 (3)
- 馬來西亞 (1)